Friday, December 30, 2011

Planning Pays Off

The first week has gone very well.

For this trip I arranged an interpreter and Sheyla was terrific. She quickly learned the routines and she improved each day. For a person without any medical training whatsoever, she did fabulous. Thank you Sheyla.

I decided that I wanted to bring the medications that I would likely need so that I had my drug of choice for treatment and also so that I would not need to deplete the clinic pharmacy. I have only accessed the clinic pharmacy on one occasion, which is amazing.

I prepared Spanish teaching handouts on sixteen common problems and this week I used 11 of them, many of them multiple times. Not every Mother can read, but the family will have access to someone who can. I consider this a solid success.  

None of the children today were real sick. Most had colds or diarrhea. A baby had an infected insect bite, likely a spider. One girl had high fever, delirium, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. She looked great but her fever was down because Mom gave her both acetaminophen and ibuprofen, which was the right intervention for high fever and delirium. I treated her for Typhoid Fever. I remember that our Med School Infectious Disease Prof, Dr. Ken Buchan, told us that delirium is common with Typhoid. Ken Buchan was an absolutely fabulous teacher. His teaching decades ago, made a difference today!  

Rainbow at Dawn 

Surf Spray Rainbow

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